Crystal Descriptions

These are my interpretations of each crystal’s healing properties. Many variations of their properties exist, and I encourage you to do further research to learn about them more in depth.


Agua Nueva: A calming and soothing crystal that restores balance through its powerful grounding and relaxing energy. This crystal is great for helping you move through times of anxiety, and self doubt, by strengthening personal power and courage.

Amazonite (blue/green): A healing stone used for opening yourself up to healthy communication, and reinforcing self worth. Also a balancing stone used to ward off negative energies, fatigue and stress.

Amethyst (purple): For intuition and insight, amethyst helps with manifestations and creativity. Also alleviates stress and dispels nightmares.

Angelite (blue/white): Allows for calm, honest and open communication through serenity, peace and goodwill. For meditation, intuition, and connection to higher powers. 

Apophyllite: Apophyllite is a highly spiritual crystal that helps you to tap into intuition, encourages growth, and cleanses negative energies that may be weighing you down.

Aragonite: A nurturing stone for finding freedom, healing and truth by eliminating stress and blockages. Aragonite also brings forth understanding, clarity and insight that is devoid of clouded judgment.

Aquamarine (light blue): A calming stone for restoring tranquility, serenity and relaxation which allows for expanding creativity and growth

Black flower agate: Provides a calm and positive energy to help you work through stress and anxiety; to find inner peace and an empathic mindset.

Black Kyanite: A powerful ground and healing stone used for: mediation, dream recall, clearing the mind, and enhancing energy.

Black Obsidian: A grounding and protection stone that provides a shield around your aura for strength, and aids in working through strong emotions.

Black Tourmaline: A grounding stone that offers stability and security. Also a protection stone used for cleansing and purifying negative energy.

Bloodstone (grey/red): A powerful healing crystal that promotes vitality, strength and courage. 

Blue Apatite: A crystal for growth in achieving goals, understanding truth and expanding intuition. As well as: dispelling confusion, apathy and negativity.

Blue Aventurine: A gentle stone that helps release selfish thinking and bad habits, and facilitates empathy and consciousness. 

Blue Calcite: A gentle and comforting stone for emotional release, and soothing anxiety. Also helps with amplifying intuition, and encourages healthy communication.

Blue Kyanite (light blue/white): A calming and energizing crystal that promotes balance, enhances intuition and improves: meditation, communication and self expression


Blue Lace Agate: Promotes inner peace and tranquility so that you can experience personal growth, and express yourself with clear and honest communication.


Blue Spot Jasper: A calming stone that allows you to be in the moment, by aiding in stability, healing and grounding. Also used to enhance creativity, and stimulate intellect

Botswana Agate (grey/white): A grounding stone for promoting a peaceful mindset, creativity and problem solving

Carnelian (orange/red): For fearless action, empowerment, igniting passion and protection against envy.

Celestite (light blue): A gentle and uplifting stone for tranquility and harmony- especially with sleep.

Chevron Amethyst (white/purple): Combines the healing properties of amethyst, and clear quartz. A healing crystal used for balancing the mind, self discovery, strengthening intuition, and relaxation.

Chrysocolla (blue/turquoise/brown): Associated with tranquility, peace, intuition and unconditional love. It is also used for healing heartache and increasing self awareness. This is also a powerful healing stone used to combat emotional duress, and strengthen the body against illness.

Citrine (yellow): Known as the “the happy stone” because it promotes joy, positivity, and confidence. It also attracts abundance and prosperity, increases creativity and motivation, and raises self-esteem.

Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is a master cleanser and healer. It absorbs negative energies, stores energy, and releases a positive and balanced energy. Use this crystal to enhance harmony, mental clarity and spirituality.

Crazy Lace Agate (yellow/white/red): A healing and grounding stone used to protect you from outside energies, and ease inner turmoil. It aids in releasing things that no longer serve you, boosts confidence, and instills inner strength.

Dalmation Jasper (cream/black dots):  Allows for clarity and helps you see your strengths and weaknesses. Also brings a sense of calmness, control and tranquility. 

Desert Rose Selenite: A clarifying and calming stone used to cleanse negativity, affirm self worth and open up intuition

Dragon Bloodstone (green/red): A strengthening stone that helps you reconnect with yourself to enhance creativity, positivity, inner wisdom and self expression. 

Fire quartz (clear/red): For focus, grounding and balance. Fire Quartz helps you to transform negativity into positivity, by boosting personal power, and providing clarity 

Flower Agate (pink with white splotches):Inspires and encourages growth, that opens you up to your fullest potential. Flower agate is commonly used for nurturing and manifesting dreams, and blocking self doubt and negativity.

Fluorite (green/blue/purple): Fluorite encourages positivity and energy balance to help you grow and heal. Use this crystal to aid in reenergizing, so that you can overcome procrastination, disorganization and brain fog.

Garnet (deep red): For vitality and energy regeneration by alleviating emotional disharmony. Also used for manifestations by awakening passion, and releasing bad karma.

Golden Healer Quartz (clear/golden/orange): A master healer that facilitates connections with higher powers to energize and enlighten the spirit, mind and body. Golden Healer emits a powerful ‘golden’ aura that allows for a free flow of balanced and bright energy. This energy helps to clear mental blockages by encouraging consciousness, healing and focus

Green Aventurine: “The opportunity stone” for enhancing manifestations, releasing anxiety, and providing safety and security.

Green Calcite: Helps you to find strength, prosperity, and a sense of purpose. Aids in making positive life changes through healing, leaving behind things that no longer serve you and forgiveness.

Green Opal (green/brown): “The stone of change” for releasing fear, strengthening relationships and providing comfort and clarity 

Honey Calcite: For boosting self worth, enhancing creativity and focusing the mind. It also combats lethargy, laziness and reignites motivation.

Howlite (white/grey): A calming stone that helps with alleviating stress, tension and anxiety. Howlite is known to ease overactive minds, and inspire patience and tranquility.

Kambaba Jasper (green/black): An earthly stone that helps you connect with your ancestral roots, nature and wisdom. Also promotes peace and stability by alleviating nervousness and absorbing negative energy.  

Kiwi Jasper (green & black dots): A nurturing and supportive crystal that lifts spirits, and promotes healing by sustaining energy and emotional strength.

Labradorite (grey/rainbow): A protection stone for reducing negativity, and increasing intuition, imagination, creativity, and joy while allowing for spiritual growth.

Larimar (oceany blue): A relaxing crystal that combines the power of the sea and the sky to connect with the divine feminine, and assist with emotional honesty, serenity, and calming tempers.

Larvikite (grey/black): A grounding and protection crystal that inspires: patience, adaptability and awareness. Also deflects harmful and negative thoughts

Las Choyas: Creates a balanced flow to lift your mood, regulate energy and improve mental clarity.

Lemurian Aquatine Calcite: Also known as Blue Onyx, is a strengthening stone used to recenter energy and balance the body. It also helps with self control and clarity; while working through stress and confusion. 

Lemurian Quartz (clear point): Helps you tap into wisdom, clairvoyance, and spirituality by calming your conscience and facilitating meditation.

Lepidolite (shiny purple):A supportive and nurturing stone known as “the peace stone” for relieving worry and stress, improving sleep and restoring emotional balance. 

Light Jade (white/green): For protection against harm and negative energy. Brings prosperity, good luck and harmony, and encourages self expression

Mahogany Obsidian (brown/black): Aids with healing generational trauma, by releasing energy and people who no longer serve you, and helps dispels negative beliefs and limitations.

Malachite (green/dark green): “The stone of transformation”. Encourages positive life changes by opening up the heart, releasing emotional pain and breaking unwanted ties. Essential during periods of transformation to attract abundance, increase determination, and provide protection from negativity. 

Mookaite Jasper (red/yellow): For aiding in decision making by focusing the mind, dispelling procrastination and increasing: will-power, motivation and inspiration. 

Moonstone (soft yellow/grey): For inner strength, self growth, and stabilizing emotions. Promotes calmness, success, inspiration, and good fortune.

Moss Agate (green/blue/white): For optimism, freedom, new beginnings and strengthening your connection to nature.

Ocean Jasper (multicolor): A grounding stone that helps to release negativity by providing a calm and uplifting energy. This stone also encourages self-insight, self-confidence, and communication

Opalite (opaque blueish): For manifesting wealth and assisting through transitions by encouraging persistence. Also for stabilizing moods, improving communication and increasing energy. 

Orange Calcite: An energizing crystal for amplifying confidence, motivation and connection to creativity and self

Peach Moonstone (shiny peach): A warm and bright stone for opening oneself up to blessings and healing, also encourages a healthy expression of emotions

Pink Amethyst: Helps increase intuition and clarity, and brings a calm, balanced and peaceful energy to your space. Use pink amethyst when your heart feels astray, and you want to recenter yourself, find truths, and release negativities.

Pink Halite: Helps you to embrace and love every aspect of yourself, by releasing emotional strain, guilt and anxieties. Due to its salt makeup, Pink Halite is a clarifying crystal that aids in restoring balance and serenity; while dispelling mental blocks, negative energies and pollutants.

Pink Mangano Calcite: A tranquil and comforting crystal that allows you to connect with empathy, release trauma and boost self confidence. Use this crystal to learn to love yourself, and heal through forgiveness and acceptance.

Pink Tourmaline (pink/white): Helps heal the heart by easing grief, heartache and emotional pain. Also a relaxing and nurturing stone for alleviating anxiety, and depression

Polychrome Jasper (grey/brown): For connecting yourself to creativity, vitality and courage. This stone also provides safety, serenity and security through times of healing and new journeys.

Prehnite (green/black):”The Stone of Magic/Prophecy” known to enhance intuition, energy, and meditation.  Also brings about abundance, unconditional love, spiritual growth

Pyrite (gold): For protection and security from negative energies to increase willpower while following the pathway towards prosperity, good fortune, and new opportunities 

Que Sera (black with blue/yellow): For changing your perspective on life by stimulating self reflection, and encouraging positive change by releasing worry and stress. "Go with the flow"

Rainbow Fluorite (green/purple): For clearing and uplifting the mind, assisting with focus and decision making, positivity, and inspiring confidence and flexibility. 

Rainbow Moonstone (white/black): A balancing and harmonious crystal that promotes joy and optimism. It encourages growth so that you may find new opportunities, and accept new beginnings with clarity and confidence.

Red Jasper (dark red): A grounding stone for courage, focus and passion.

Rhodonite (pink/black): For nurturing self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing emotional wounds.

Rhodochrosite: A comforting stone that allows for gentle healing from emotional wounds, and past traumas. Furthermore, it helps you to find happiness and freedom while nurturing new opportunities for love.

Rhyolite: Helps to heal emotional wounds, and recover and process past traumas. Rhyolite also pushes you to chase your goals and dreams, by enhancing self esteem and self acceptance.

Rose calcite: An emotional cleanser and stress reliever to help you recover from emotional wounds, toxic relationships and self hatred; which boosts self esteem and opens the heart up healing and accepting love. 

Rose Quartz (pink): For opening the heart up to: compassion, unconditional love, joy and playfulness.

Scolecite (white): Has a high vibrational energy that helps to increase spirituality, awareness and inner peace.

Sea Jasper (multicolor): Awakens joy by providing a calm and uplifting energy, as well as encouraging a positive outlook and relaxation.

Selenite (white): Promotes a calm and balanced energy by being a powerful protector against negativity. Also a cleanser for: your space, mind and other crystals.

Septarian (yellow/brown): For connecting with the earth, strength, and confidence in communication.

Smoky Quartz (brown/grey): Cleanses negative energy, lifts depression, and calms anxiety. Also used for opening yourself up for transformation and achieving goals.

Snowflake Obsidian (black/white): For grounding, purification and centering oneself through encouraging growth, introspection, and releasing things that no longer serve you.

Sodalite (blue/white): For effective communication and speaking personal truth, emotional balance and connection to intuition.

Strawberry Quartz (sparkly red0: An empowering and loving crystal that helps release blockages and negativity; and aids in self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. 

Sunstone (peachy orange): For confidence, radiance, effective leadership, and manifesting emotional desires.

Tigers Eye (brown/gold): A grounding stone for facilitating confidence, strength and resilience.

Tourmalated Quartz (white/black): “The crystal of balance” This protective and energetic combination of clear quartz and black tourmaline provides a shield from negativity, clears mental blocks and amplifies intentions.

Tree Agate (white/green): A calming stone known to strengthen relationships, promote composure and boost self confidence. 

Unakite (green/red) : Used to stabilize emotions, and stimulate: compassion, gratitude and determination


If you have any questions about the crystals you received, please send us an email with a picture of your order.